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Cookie Policy


This Cookie Policy is an integral part of the General Terms and Conditions of Use of the site administered by VALI Computers LTD. (The Company).


We use cookies or similar tools to enhance the performance of the website. Our Cookie Policy explains how we do that.


  1. What are cookies?

    Cookies are small files downloaded on the terminal devices you use to access the site. They can be used in different ways, for example, for traffic analysis, for advertising purposes, for regular reports of the site usability and restoring information about user navigation, for improving site performance and analyzing purposes. By the term Cookies we refer to all files and technologies which collect information in this way.

    Cookies can also be installed by our site or by third parties.

    The cookies used by us do not contain information (personal data) which allows (direct) identification of the User as a natural person.


  1. What kind of cookies do we use and why?
Description Category Domain Name Type Purpose Period of Action Additional Data
Functional Statistics laravel_session HTTP Creates Token for site sessions. session -
Statistics remember_user HTTP Creates unique number for each individual user that identifies him/ her. session -
Statistics vali_currency HTTP Saves currently selected currency. session -
Statistics vali::compare HTTP Lists the products selected for comparison session -
Statistics XSRF-TOKEN HTTP Token for CSRF protection. session Read more
Statistics @@History/@@scroll|# HTML Local Storage Unclassified (Pending) sustainable -
Statistics _at.hist.# HTML Used by an AddThis sharing platform to keep track of the use of AddThis tool sustainable -
Functional (Google Analytics) Statistics _ga HTTP Registers user with unique identifier to collect data about the use of the site. (User IP is anonymized according to Google Analytics policy) 2 years Read more
Statistics _gat HTTP Keeps a sustained rhythm of orders from the site.   session
Statistics _gid HTTP Registers user with unique identifier to be able to distinguish them (User IP is anonymized according to Google Analytics policy) session/ up to 24 hours
Marketing collect Pixel Sends data about user device and behavior. Tracks the user through devices and marketing channels session
Functional (AddThis) Marketing _atuvc HTTP Makes it possible to share content with sharing platforms 13 months/ Up to 2 years Read more
Marketing _atuvs HTTP Makes it possible to share content with sharing platforms session Read more
Marketing at-lojson-cache-# HTML Used for social sharing. sustainable -
Marketing di2 HTTP Unclassified (Pending) 1 year -
Marketing loc HTTP Geolocation to determine how data is shared between users in space. 13 months -
Marketing mus HTTP Unclassified (Pending) 1 year -
Marketing ouid HTTP Unclassified (Pending) 1 year -
Marketing uid HTTP Registers user with unique identifier and enables content-sharing across social networks. Provides statistics to different vendors 1 year -
Marketing uvc HTTP Counts how often the user uses AddThis 13 months -
Marketing vc HTTP Counts how often the user uses AddThis 1 year -
Marketing xtc   Registers platform sharing (social media) 13 months -
adnxs Marketing uuid2 HTTP Creates a unique number for users and targets advertisements. 3 months -
Google DoubleClick Marketing IDE HTTP Follows user behavior after viewing an ad to measure ad efficiency and show targeted ads to user. 2 years -
Marketing test_cookie HTTP Checks if the browser used supports cookies. session -
Semasio Marketing seuncy HTTP Registers user with a unique identifier to recognize user's device for subsequent visits. 179 days -
tapad Marketing TapAd_TS HTTP Specifies the type of user device. 2 months -
adsrvr Marketing TDCPM HTTP Creates a unique number for users and targets advertisements. 1 years -
Markwting TDID HTTP Creates a unique number for users and targets advertisements. 1 years -


  1. What are your options?

    All modern browsers allow (more or less) users to change cookie settings. To learn more about cookies and how to deal with them please visit You can look at the settings of the browser you prefer and the help section there:


Deletion of Cookies by the User may result in full or partial inability to access the site and/ or the services, change or removal of predefined settings from previous visits and/ or lowering the quality of the Services for which we are not responsible.

If you want to learn more about ad cookies or ad cookie blockers you can visit  or


This Cookie Policy was accepted and approved by Dimitar Hinov – Managing Director of VALI Computers LTD. on 30.06.2018.

This Cookie Policy is in compliance with the current legislation at the moment of validation, as well as with the European and national legislation related to personal data protection.


Date of publishing: 30.06.2018