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Dear Customers,

All offered goods can be bought on credit. A consumer loan can be received from:

  • UniCredit Consumer Financing

 General Conditions for Consumer Loans

Take now and pay later:


  1. UniCredit Consumer Financing



What is UniCredit Consumer Financing?

A company offering modern fast and easy way of giving loans to individual consumers. UniCredit Consumer Financing is part of UniCredit Group – a leading bank group in Eastern Europe.

Why to choose UniCredit Consumer Financing?


- We guarantee fast approval;

-  We offer affordable monthly payments fixed and unchangeable for the whole credit period;

  • We have no hidden taxes and commissions;
  • We fill in the loan application in the shop at the point of sale;

 - You buy today what you can offer tomorrow.

Amount of loans:

- From BGN 150 to BGN 50 000 depending on your needs.

- Return of Loan – from 3 to 72 months depending on your request;

Additional advantages for the customers of UniCredit Consumer Financing:

- No bank commissions to the monthly payments. They can be done in all offices of Unicredit Bulbank (the tax is usually BGN 2 per payment).

 For more information call  0700 15 600 at the price of a fixed line phone call or visit