Interactive floor/ Magic carpet onEvo
Discover the most advanced interactive floor on the market!
The image displayed on the floor creates a virtual “interactive floor” on which preschool- and school-aged children can experience great adventures, from physical games and activities to cognitive education in all areas of knowledge.
Teachers, when choosing to work with the interactive The onEVO Floor, receive substantive and didactic support in the form of a methodological package that meets the requirements of the core curriculum.
The functionality of The onEVO Floor facilitates a wide range of applications in any room on a light and uniform base.
Pupils take part in the game by moving their arms or legs. The size of the displayed image depends on the height at which the device is mounted above the floor and is similar to a rectangle measuring 2x3 meters. An advantage of this educational aid is that it is extremely easy to use with only a remote control - it is operated in a similar way to a household TV set.
The onEVO Floor was designed by Polish engineers and is manufactured in Poland.
By buying The onEVO Floor you support the Polish electronics industry..