Delock PCI Express x1 Card to 8 x Serial RS-232

Ref. number: DELOCK-90411
Price: 240.96 BGN
Manufacturer DeLock
Product code 90411
Barcode 4043619904112
Package contents
1 x Convertor


- Connectors:
    1 x DB62 female
    connecting cable: DB62 male > 8 x serial RS-232 DB9 male
    1 x PCI Express x1, V1.1
- Chipset: SystemBase 16C1058PCI
- Compatible with 16C550 UART
- Data transfer rate up to 921.6 Kbps
- FIFO: 8 x 256 byte
- Databits: 5, 6, 7, 8
- Stop bits: 1, 1.5, 2
- Parity: even, odd, none, mark, space
- Flow control: none, hardware RTS / CTS, software XON / XOFF
- Operating temperature: 0 °C ~ 70 °C
- Cable length incl. connectors: ca. 45 cm
- Dimensions (LxWxH): ca. 93 x 78 x 12 mm